Tuesday, April 30, 2024



3000 homes planned in Beachlands

A Beachlands development will include about 3000 dwellings as well as commercial, retail, education and open space amenities once fully developed. Beachlands South Limited Partnership...

Problems with your neighbours?

As housing developments increase and, particularly under the stress of ongoing Covid anxiety, problems between neighbours are becoming more and more common. Often the issues...

Riley steps down from Friends of Mangemangeroa

Allan Riley is a highly-respected member of the Howick community, not only for his more than 20 years of dedication and work for the...

Olivia takes cut for cancer

  Bucklands Beach Intermediate student Olivia Owen, 12, made a special visit to the hair salon this week. Olivia took a seat at hair and beauty...

Ram raid at Ormiston Town Centre

Police are investigating a ram raid incident that occurred around 1.10am at Ormiston Town Centre on Ormiston Rd, Flat Bush. It follows numerous ram raids...

‘Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter’ appeal starts in May

Winter is on its way and the unfortunate truth is that many families in the community will not have enough blankets to keep their...

Anzac Sound & Light Tribute well-received

Howick Village Association's Anzac tribute in Fencible Park on Picton Street in Howick last night was well received. This commemorative event will run for a...

Ukrainians kick-start campaign

Two Ukrainian-born New Zealanders are organising a campaign to raise donations and supplies for the civilians and children in their home country. Dr Elena Artyukh,...

Freemasons stand behind Santa Parade

Preparations are already underway for this year's Howick Santa Parade which will be good news for the thousands of Howick district families who love...

Lest we forget

Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, who have displayed courage and self-sacrifice serving our country. The...
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