Monday, April 29, 2024

Readers' Letters

Too expensive to fix?

It takes two traffic control trucks, two works truck, three drivers, one supervisor, two workers and 300 orange cones to fix a pot hole. They arrive on site, it’s morning tea time. Then they fill...

Auckland Council must stick to its core role and functions

A recent edition of the Times carried a front-page article about the intentions of two candidates for the Howick Ward who are promising “to tackle crime”. They laid out a plan that at several points...

God ‘n’ all that

Did he appear in a puff of smoke or arrive on a spaceship? Where is the science behind God’s creation? Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and has said, “religion and science cannot sit side...

Talk about misdirection

Stuff’s documentary, Fire and Fury, is something to behold. Its inquisitorial experts piously poking as pustuled conspiracy theorists threaten our besieged democracy with their pestilential heresies. This piece opines with such sanctimonious intellectual languor that it...

High density housing inhumane

A large number of studies shows that people living in high density high-rise living suffer from greater mental health problems, higher rates of crime, fewer positive social interactions and greater difficulty especially in raising...

Climate models are not infallible

Re: There’s science behind all this (Times, August 10). Since my last email a few days ago, a new paper has been released by the Global Climate Intelligence Group. Since some of your correspondents place a...

Plan change intensification across New Zealand

Throughout New Zealand, which includes Botany, Pakuranga and Howick, people need to be informed over how intensification is going to affect their cities and suburban areas in the future. A ring drawn around a town...

Celebrating culture

Indian Kiwi Positive Ageing Charitable Trust supported by the Howick Local Board organised and hosted an event to celebrate the variety of cultures present in our community featuring various music and dance. Various topics including...

HMB ratepayers to hear candidates

The Half Moon Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association is holding a meet the mayoral candidates meeting at 7pm at the Bucklands Beach Yacht Club, Aratai Drive, Half Moon Bay on Monday September 5. We expect...

Buses on the Panmure bridge

At huge cost, major upheaval to traffic and in the interest of safety to all, the new Panmure bridge extension finally became a reality. At last, buses and cyclists are separated from other vehicular traffic...

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