Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Readers' Letters

Raised pedestrian crossing

I have encountered in November of these crossings as I have motored around east Auckland and most are firmly imbedded in my mind. So much so that I now concentrate fixedly on each of these...

The pothole problem

Potholes will not get filled and will only increase in numbers. This is because with Labour using vast amounts of taxpayer funds to subsidise over-priced electrical vehicles (EVs) which do not pay road user tax....

Let’s tackle these ram raiders

As the police do not seem to have the resources and knowledge of where ram raiders will strike, members of the public should not be discouraged from intervening but should be recommended and rewarded...

Let’s listen to the experts

Re: Logically Fallacious (Ryan Price, Times, October 5). I will have one more attempt to explain to Ryan Price where he errs. The informal logical fallacy ‘appeal to authority’ is not the same as deferring to...

Thanks for the help

On Sunday (September 18) afternoon I was riding my bicycle along Ridge Road when a raised lip between the tar seal and the concrete lane caused me to crash quite heavily. Just in case they...

AT wastes more money

What sort of a crazy outfit spends a fortune replacing rail tracks and inconveniencing the public and then turns around and tells us the foundations underneath the rails now have to be replaced? Surely it...

God is knowable

There were two letters in the Feedback column (Times, September 28) about God. God’s Big Bang response In the beginning, there was a question They puzzled me. It seems the writers, too, are puzzled. All...

Frustrating exercise

I have just skim read your article in the Times re Dog Attacks at 5-Year High (September 28). I have recently had dealings with Auckland Council with regards to a roaming dog in our street....

Logically fallacious

Re: “Listen to the actual experts” (Dennis Horne, Times, September 14). Instead of addressing the substance of the Climate Declaration from clintel.org, your correspondent makes an “appeal to ridicule”, ad-hominem attack, implying that Professor Giaever...

Real Living pays tribute to QEII

Real Living has marked the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with special memorial services in each of its villages. Pakuranga Park Village held its ceremony on Thursday with the Lounge at full capacity because of...

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