Monday, May 6, 2024

Readers' Letters

Vector crews deserve much credit

No one wants a power cut, especially at a time of national emergency such as we have just experienced. When a large tree fell across Point View Drive near the intersection with Mason’s Road during...

What can we do?

Most people would agree that we are experiencing something more than just a climate event. Hale and Gabrielle have done their devastation to our nation. This follows on from Covid-19. Now we have crop failures, an...

Sale of RSA forced upon us’

Very sad for Howick that RSA members were forced into approving the sale of their beloved club rooms in Wellington Street. It is a travesty that the Property Trust stood by over the past...

Serve with good will

Now we hear of ‘talk’ questioning the existence of the CAB, Citizens Advice Bureau Times, February 15). I have been involved in promoting tourism in Howick/Pakuranga and Botany for some years. What on earth is...

Preparing for dangerous weather

The devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle in the Hawkes Bay, and to a lesser extent Auckland, has predictably brought out those looking for someone to blame for the weather. But this is not the first...

Use of rates money

Being involved in a project funded by Auckland Council through the Howick Local Board grants scheme, I think Mr Moore needs to look at the recipients of this funding before making his comments. In our...

Our children need a miracle

Re: Speaking for the dead, Ryan Price, Feb 8. Nobel physicist Wolfgang Pauli once described a student’s work as “not even wrong” and Ryan Price deserves the same accolade. Earth is not -18°C as expected by...

Thanks for caring

Recently when shopping at Countdown Howick, I had to cross the drive which runs from Cook Street to the parking lot. What is no problem for most people, using a walker like I do, combined...

House captains polish speaking skills

Speaking to an audience can be quite daunting for many people. The house captains of Macleans College know the importance of having this skill as they take on their roles as leaders of their...

Polls not relevant yet

This far out from the election, election polls are as about useful as electric windows on a submarine. Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay

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