Saturday, October 26, 2024

Rainbow Ringers ringing for Motor Neurone Disease

The Rainbow Ringers of Howick raised $650 for the Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand Charitable Trust.

June has been set aside as a special month for fund raising for Motor Neurone Disease.

Suggestions for help to raise these funds were for an ice bucket challenge or cuppa tea for MND.

Rainbow Ringers of Howick had a fundraising afternoon tea, after their normal weekly practice on June 6 hosted by Barbara Gauld, one of the musical directors, whose daughter was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last year.

Barbara was delighted with the ready agreement by their small group of bell ringers to support the event and even more delighted with their generous contribution for what turned out to be not only a tasty afternoon tea but with the bonus of a happy social event for the group as well.

The result was a $650 donation for The Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand Charitable Trust to be used for research and support for MND sufferers.

Motor Neurone Disease can be very aggressive and at this stage there is no cure. The median survival time is 18 months. At this stage, Barbara told the group, Natalie, her daughter who works domestically and internationally as a research pharmacist, is still working, albeit reduced hours and is feeling lucky her condition is slow progressing.
Rainbow Ringers have recently performed in four local concerts and have been active in the community for almost 40 years.

The ringers meet to practice weekly on Mondays for two hours and welcome enquiries about becoming a ringer or for those wishing to arrange a concert. Contact Ann at 021 434758 or annday06@gmail.com or Brenda at 022 0920044, bclaridge@orcon.net.nz.

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