Saturday, October 26, 2024

Daylight robbery! Locals paying the ‘piper’

Hot water units are among thieves’ hot ticket items

A hot shower might be the perfect way to beat the winter blues but east Aucklanders best keep a keen eye on our pipes to ensure burglars don’t leave us high and dry.

“The costliest east Auckland home burglary claim [recently] resulted from the theft of a hot water cylinder and its connecting pipes and taps,” Paula ter Brake from AMI Insurance confirms.

“Water was left to flood out from exposed pipes inside our customer’s home, causing nearly $300,000 of damage.”

While such thefts leave us out of pocket, the real cost hits home due to the damage left behind, particularly due to flooding.

Thieves are still after the usual suspects – such as power tools, clothing, jewellery, electronics and bikes – however water heating systems are highly prized according to recent data from AMI.

In addition, outdoor systems may be taken in broad daylight.

“In most cases, exterior gas water heaters are stolen for [their] resell value as they can be removed without damage to the unit,” ter Brake adds.

“It’s also concerning that exterior water heating units can be taken without setting off security alarms.

“To onlookers or neighbouring residents, thieves may appear to be carrying out work on properties when disconnecting these units.”

To help curb the flow of water system thefts AMI advises that we should:

  • try to ensure units aren’t visible from the road
  • build an enclosure or cage around units
  • use oil-based paint to disguise exterior copper spouting and gutters
  • replace copper pipes with less valuable Buteline systems

In general, creating the appearance that someone is at home can help prevent burglaries – leaving a radio or lights on, a car parked in the driveway, visible security cameras and even signs (such as surveillance warnings or ‘beware of the dog’) can all deter burglars.

More tips for protecting our hot ticket items are accessible via www.ami.co.nz.

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