It’s New Zealand’s largest youth fundraising event and this year World Vision’s 40 Hour Famine will see close to 30,000 Auckland students from around 93 schools take on the challenge.
They will give up food, warm blankets, speaking or technology for 40 hours from Friday June 7 to Sunday June 9
And it’s all to provide life-saving aid for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda.
Howick College, Howick Intermediate, Botany Downs School, Botany Downs Secondary College and Pakuranga College are among the school’s who will have students taking part.
Along with a further 60,000 youth across the country, they will help raise vital funds for the more than 800,000 South Sudanese who have fled conflict with hope of finding refuge in Uganda.
This year, much-loved Kiwi actor Julian Dennison is championing the 40 Hour Famine in his new role as Famine Ambassador.
Julian has recently returned from a trip to Uganda with World Vision where he met with young refugees, many of whom were of a similar age, and found out what kind of impact fleeing war-torn South Sudan has had on them; and exactly how Kiwi kids can help.
“So many of the South Sudanese refugees I met fled their homes without their parents – and some with no family at all. They all have so much responsibility, at such a young age, and are having to adjust to a new reality – yet despite the hardships they have and are facing I was met with big smiles and so much hope for their futures.”
Money raised in the 2019 40 Hour Famine will help provide essentials for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda from the moment they cross the border, including nutritious food, clean water, foster care, household items, peace clubs for young people and more.
- If you haven’t yet signed up to do so now at famine.org.nz