Sunday, February 9, 2025

Point View lookout clean-up on this weekend

The second annual Point View lookout clean-up is on this Saturday.

The stretch between 178 and 220 Point View Drive is frequented by visitors with many people illegally dumping general rubbish, empty alcohol containers, cigarettes, drug paraphernalia, fast-food rubbish and general household refuse.

The areas affected are the footpath, berm as well as the undeveloped property along the road.

The Point View Heritage Society along with local youth development worker and Howick Local Board member Mike Turinsky have worked together over the past few years to address the negative effects of the dumping.

They staged their first community working bee last year joined by local residents, members of the Botany and Flat Bush Ethnic Association and the Pakuranga Chinese Association. It’s now time for another clean up.

“There has progressively been an increase in police presence over the last 18 months to address illegal activities and trespassing,” says Judith Grant of the Point View Heritage Society.

“In addition, local residents organised the installation of large concrete blocks to deter illegal parking and illegal dumping.”

“Last year, Auckland Transport agreed to install much-needed street lights, a move that improved the safety for pedestrians and motorists. These improvements have helped reduce the excessive noise from late-night partiers and the frequency of the parties and illegal dumping.” says Turinsky

Despite the positive difference these efforts have made, the illegal dumping and parties still occur.

The Point View Heritage Society and Turinsky aim to gather the community together for another working bee to get rid of the rubbish left behind. Members of the community are welcome to join the effort from 10am to 12pm on Saturday. Participants should bring garden gloves, gum boots and a rain coat.

For more information, search for the Facebook event “2nd annual Clean-up of Point View Lookout”.




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