Monday, February 10, 2025

Local schools at risk of overcrowding

A government report has revealed nine local schools are among hundreds around the country that are already classed as overcrowded or at risk of overcrowding.

Using data from 2015 and 2016, the Education Network Annual Assessment Report has revealed there are 214 schools around the country that are considered over capacity, with a further 488 are at risk, Fairfax reports.

Capacity is defined by the Ministry of Education as 100 per cent of a school’s buildings being in use while anything above 85 per cent capacity is considered overcrowded.

Owairoa School and Beachlands School come in at the top of the list, both classing as operating over capacity with 106 percent and 102 per cent capacity respectively, while seven other local schools are at risk of operating over capacity.

Mission Heights Primary School (96 per cent), Pakuranga Heights School (95 per cent), Willow Park School (93 per cent), Botany Downs Secondary School (91 per cent), Elm Park School (90 per cent), Botany Downs School (89 per cent) and Chapel Downs School (86 per cent) are all at risk.

  • Are you concerned about overcrowding in your children’s schools? Email kellyt@times.co.nz
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