Monday, February 10, 2025

Details of your local ‘meet the candidate’ meetings

Welcome to part three of the Times’ General Election coverage.

Numerous groups are hosting election meetings featuring various candidates. The Times will be attending two – both of which will feature candidates for the major parties.

The first public meeting we are attending will be the Pakuranga Electorate Meet-the Candidates meeting on Monday September 4 at St Mark’s Catholic Church, 334 Pakuranga Road at 7:30pm. St Mark’s has confirmed the candidates Simeon Brown, National; Barry Kirker, Labour; Carrie Stoddart-Smith, Maori; Guy Hunt, Greens and Suzanne Kelly, NZ First (meeting details, phone Rev Chris Sullivan 576 2888).

The Times will also be attending the Botany Electorate Meet-the-Candidates event on September 11 at 7.30pm at the East City Wesleyan Church Centre at 219 Burswood Drive, Botany. This meeting will feature Julie Zhe, Greens; Tofik Mamedo, Labour; Jami-Lee Ross, National and Jenny Marcroft, an NZ First representative. It will be hosted by Rev Dr Richard Waugh with Lloyd Wong as facilitator. (Phone 273-9044 for information).

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