Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Supermarkets join list of Covid-19 locations

Botany’s New World and Pak’nSave supermarkets were named this week as two new Covid-19 locations of interest. Times photos Wayne Martin

Two east Auckland supermarkets have this week been named as locations of interest in the latest Covid-19 community outbreak.

The Ministry of Health revealed on September 7 the new locations are New World Botany, 588 Chapel Road, on Saturday 4 September, 5pm-6.30pm, and Pak’nSave Botany, 501 Ti Rakau Drive, on Saturday 4 September, 4.40pm-5.40 pm.

The ministry says people who were at the supermarkets at those times are to self-monitor for Covid-19 symptoms for 14 days after they were exposed at the two locations.

If symptoms develop, people should get a test and stay at home until they get a negative Covid test result and until 24 hours after symptoms resolve.

New World Botany posted a message about being a location of interest on its Facebook page.

The company wrote: “Our teams have been working to Alert Level 4 protocols since Tuesday 17 August, which means the store has been cleaned multiple times throughout the day, has implemented increased sanitisation procedures and mandatory mask wearing for customers and staff.

“These are all aspects which are designed to keep our team and customers safe.

“It’s been a challenging time for everyone.

“We know it’s not easy shopping in Alert Level 4 and while we are running a bit lean, we remain open.

“We ask you to please bear with the team as they work to meet your needs.”

New World Botany is a Covid-19 location of interest on Saturday 4 September, 5pm-6.30pm.

The New World and Pak’nSave in Botany join a growing list of local locations of interest in the latest Covid-19 outbreak.

Businesses previously announced as locations of interest include Zone Bowling and Timezone Botany, 500A Ti Rakau Drive, on Saturday 14 August, 12.15pm-12.30pm;

Nandos Botany, 1 Town Centre Drive, Botany Town Centre, on Monday 16 August, 12pm-12.45pm;

KFC Botany Downs, 452 Ti Rakau Drive, on Tuesday 17 August 10.30am-10.40am;

Countdown Botany, cnr Te Irirangi Drive and Ti Rakau Drive, on Tuesday 17 August 10.20am-10.30am;

Countdown Botany, on Saturday 28 August, 9.26am-10am;

Subway East Tamaki, cnr Springs Rd and Kerwyn Avenue, 1.45pm-2pm on Thursday, August 12;

Z Harris Road Service Station 142 Harris Road, East Tamaki on Monday August 16 from 12pm-12.10pm;

Bus #70 Pakuranga Town Centre to Botany Town Centre, Tuesday August 17, 9.38am-9.52am on Tuesday, August 17;

And Botany Town Centre Bus Stop, Town Centre Drive, on Tuesday August 17, 9.52am-9.57am.

News media previously reported there may have been people from East Tamaki at Central Auckland Church of Christ, 52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay on Sunday August 15, 10.15am-12.02pm.

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